About Me

I'm Dani. Foodie. Lover of Beauty and Fashion. Gym and Green Tea Addict. Instagram Obsessed. Legal Eagle. (Sometimes I blog)

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

I love this shade. It is perfect for the winter months for exuding a dark and mysterious mood.It works perfectly with any LBD you may have for the party season and also as well with your fingerless gloves on long walks (yes, it's hard work showing off your pretty nails in such cold weather - but it just has to be done). Gotta love a bit of wintery dark nail tim...

Sunday, 28 November 2010

On Saturday the girls at Aussie opened their doors (well, the doors of loft in Leeds) to us bloggers. With the help of some of the Aussie angels they provided a day of girlie fun from mulled wine to flirt coaching! I kicked off the day by meeting up with L from BeautifullyAddictedToat the train station which was a treat in itself as I hadn't seen her since I started my new jobby!! After a bit of a natter and some makeup applying we had time...
Follow my blog with bloglo...
Hello lovelies - I have another foundation review for you!This foundation is said to adapt to skin tone and texture, whilst providing a perfectly flawless finish.I have tried this with Bobbi Brown Hydrating Moisturiser underneath and Estee Lauders Face Primer Plus.I find that on top of my moisturiser this foundation goes on well. It is smooth, and provides good coverage however the finish is a little shiny for me. I usually apply a little powder...

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Hey ladies. Hope you're having a good wednesday!? I've had a hectic day but on my way home on the train (stood up and overcrowded) so not too bad really.I wanted to quickly review this shampoo and conditioner because I like to share my experiences with you :)I've done a quick YouTube review (demonstrating how my hair looked after use) on this also which you can get to through this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zn_xGAa8cHw Most of you will know...

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Hey lovelies - another video for your viewing pleasure!! Discussed - VO5 volumising spritz and ardell false lashes! Enjoy!...

Monday, 22 November 2010

Hey everyone - I finally uploaded my first YouTube video here.Sorry quality is a little off - I have done it on my phone but unfortunately when it has converted it's ended up a bit grainy. Back to the drawing board...Need a new camera that takes good videos as mine is not clear enough - any suggestion...

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Don't you just love it when you know it's that time of year when you can get out one of your old favourites!!! Gotta love h&m!!!!- Posted using BlogPress from my iPho...

Thursday, 18 November 2010

I was recently sent a couple of hand creams to try which I will review over the coming weeks. The first one to discuss is this little beauty. I use this every day at work and it is fab. First of all it's only around £1.20!!!! Bargain. What I like though is that it is not too greasy so I can use it to protect my hands after I have washed them, without worrying that grease is going to go all over my keyboard and mouse. It's very moisturising and...

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

I am starting to feel a bit better now so I thought I would ease in on a makeup remover post given that my makeup has been a bit of a mess this past week or so I have been ill. Every now and then I like to try and find a cheaper alternative to the Lancome's Eye Makeup Remover. I stumbled upon this one and with it being L'Oreal I thought that it might be worth a shot. Upon reading the bottle I noted it is said it is also for sensitive eyes....

Sunday, 14 November 2010

More beauty posts coming soon. I'm just a bit poorly sick at the moment Coming soon:-Perfume reviewFake tan reviewConcealer and corrector review Lipstick swatchesxxxx- Posted using BlogPress from my iPho...

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

I tried this foundation for the first time on Saturday day time for a lunch date. Using my normal routine of bobbi brown hydrating face cream I applied this on top and must say that I found it quite hard to work with. It's quite thick and a little difficult to blend with a brush. I think fingers may have been better. I had just exfoliated my face however, and actually managed to scratch it on my cheek which the foundation did cover beautifully. It did look lovely from a little distance and I did get compliments on my skin but I just don't like...

Monday, 8 November 2010

Some of you ladies that follow me on twitter (@GiddyPrincess) will remember me tweeting about a new dress for a party last week. And here it is... (Please excuse the strange lighting and expression on my face, oh and the oh so classy bottle of beer in my hand. I literally asked the boyf to take it as we were trying to run out the door to get in a taxi!) It is from asos and was only £26.00. The shoes are Miss Selfridge - I got them in the sale...
Morning ladies.Don't forget that today is the day the Britney Spears Radiance competition opens!! (See my original post here)You can enter at www.totalkiss.com for your chance to win some Louboutins!!!Best of Luck ladies xxx...

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Amazing. I got the MUA to use this on me on my recent Bobbi Brown trip. Love it. Can't buy any more makeup this month though!!However for those of you that wonder what it's like here you go:-I really struggled to find any reviews of this online!!! But it is really fab - great if you have dry skin. Definitely a future purcha...
Given my love for Bobbi Brown's Hydrating eye cream it was only natural that I would feel the same about their Hydrating face cream! I purchased this at the same time as the eyecream as part of a set (it included mascara and makeup remover also) for £32.00. The face cream normally retails at £33.00 for the full sized version. Mine is 15ml sized. As with the eyecream - a little bit goes a long way though so the set is worth having a look at if...

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Well well, I've just found an amazing fake tan!! So last week I was sent a sample of Famous Daves Tanning Mousse along with a Mitt to apply. As you all know I am at a party later today so I decided to risk it an apply it on Thursday evening to see how it was So I exfoliated and then moisturised (legs only). I let the moisturiser sink in for an hour and then applied the tan all over before bed using the mitt. It applied very smoothly and was not...
I have recently answered questions for two separate lovely blogging ladies.First up to ask questions was Tabitha Bluebell of A Perfect Lie a stunningly crafted crisp blog. Tabitha asked me questions such as who's style am I loving at the moment and what inspired me to start blogging. You can find the questions and answers here.Laura of Laura's Blog a beautifully, girlie blog asked me what are three random facts about me and what has been my favourite...
I have been wanting to try Bobbi Brown products for a while now. Especially after receiving the Makeup Manual book off the boyf last Xmas. So I trotted off to Selfridges after payday and decided that was the day I was going to take the plunge! The lovely MUA did my concealer, foundation and blush so I am now colour matched. I have a sneaky list to leave lying around as a hint for Xmas hehe. I mean, needless to say I loved everything I tried.One of...
Ok ladies, you all remember how much I loved the Britney Spears Radiance perfume back in September.Well here's a little competition I thought you may be interested in!From Monday 8th November you can win the entire outfit worn by Britney in the Radiance adverts with Kiss100!!!!! All you need to do is find out how many times the word ‘Radiance’ is written on the box of her Radiance Perfume.View details of the competition hereCompetition commences...

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Recently I went to MAC with the intention of purchasing this foundation if, after trying it, I liked it. The MUA was one step ahead of me and suggested I take a sample home to really get a feel for it. I was pretty happy about this as normally I feel a little intimidated when I go to MAC - it's just so busy and you literally have to fight past all these glamazons to swatch a lippie. Hence why I normally don't bother! I was on a mission this day...

Monday, 1 November 2010

Just to ease back into posting I wanted to share with you my (yes you guessed it) OOTD and FOTD from Thursday night when me and the boyf went to Liverpool for meal and drinks for his birthday. Fun times!! I suppose technically it is really a FOTN but hey ho! I wore (clothes):- Jeans from new look £25 Shoes from new look £20 (4 years ago) Top from shop in NYC around $35 Handbag from new look around £15 I wore (face):- MAC studio fix...