About Me

I'm Dani. Foodie. Lover of Beauty and Fashion. Gym and Green Tea Addict. Instagram Obsessed. Legal Eagle. (Sometimes I blog)

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

In keeping with the healthier me theme, I was struggling slightly today when trying to locate a snack that wouldn't take me off plan.  Unfortunately, despite prepping my lunches for the week, my portions are somehow ridiculously small and the avocado I had brought to fatten it up wasn't ripe and got binned.  I was hungry before I had even finished! With that I nipped over to Tesco and located this bad boy, in a 4 pack which was only £2.50...
I love In Love With Fashion for clothes.  They have so many choices and show real people in the outfits so you get a real sense of what something will look like.  I love this dress very much.  When I first bought it, it was for a night out.  Now I wear it more casual as above.  Either way, it's super versatile and works a treat.  Can't wait to wear it with gold sandals in summer! Dress - InLoveWithFashion here Leather...

Monday, 10 February 2014

If you are anything like me you might just burn the candle at both ends and find yourself in need of some under eye concealer to cover the obvious signs!  Unfortunately for me though, even when I have early nights, drink lots of water and eat well I still suffer from really bad darker pigmentation around my eyes.  It's more a reddy brown than anything.  And then purple practically right in the corner near the nose.  Fit.  This...
I've been making the conscious effort to eat clean for a couple of weeks now.  I have started a 3 month plan which involves weight lifting, some cardio and clean eating.  Mainly because as always, Christmas took its toll and my waist line wasn't looking its best.  If I am totally honest too, I'd been celebrating pretty much since November too with the engagement, client christmas dos and family and friend catch ups.  I basically...

Sunday, 9 February 2014

As some of you will know, I got engaged towards the end of last year and since then I have basically been pinning non-stop on Pinterest (follow me here).  I have a secret wedding board - I don't actually know why it's secret, well I think it's because I want to leave some surprises for my guests etc, but I also have other boards related to everything I love in life including wedding things! Anyway, last Saturday was a bit like real life pinterest,...

Monday, 3 February 2014

Nike IDNike and Liberty of London Print I am obsessed with Nike.  I constantly lust after nike trainers and it's a running joke now at work that I will probably wear trainers to my wedding.  I won't.  However you can see that people think I love them a lot! I used to be out throwing money away on Nike trainers whenever I felt like it but now that I am saving for  house deposit me and the boyf have had to put our love of trainers...

Sunday, 2 February 2014

It's been a heck of a while since I have done one of these posts!  Yesterday I went to the Tatton Park Wedding Show (review coming up soon).  I don't know why but I just wanted to try and look like I was semi groomed, rather than my slightly unkempt usual self haha!  I suppose I wanted to look a bit more grown up as getting married feels like it's a grown up thing to do! Although my makeup looks pretty natural (I hope), don't be...
Nivea Skincare Nivea really seem to have stepped up their game.  My first introduction to Nivea (along with lots of other girls) was that little blue circular tub of their super thick moisturiser.  I still use this when necessary now! Recently though, I found that I appear to have a new found appreciation for Nivea.  It's one of those things that has crept up on me.  It started firstly with the Double Effect Eye Makeup Remover...