About Me

I'm Dani. Foodie. Lover of Beauty and Fashion. Gym and Green Tea Addict. Instagram Obsessed. Legal Eagle. (Sometimes I blog)

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

I don't know about you but I love the Sleek lippies. Perfectly pigmented colour for £4.99. Bargainous. Now I'm a sheen girl myself rather than matte. Matte lipstick just tend to make my lips look scaly after not very much time and given I am also constantly applying lipbalm it would make sense that my lipstick would have moisturising properties. Although they are a light formula they don't skimp on colour... Cue my recent new addition to my collection...
Used:- Barry M shade Grey And attempted nail art using BornPretty gems. I definitely need to practic...

Monday, 25 July 2011

Sale Bargains £2 each ...
So this is the second time I have tried to post this thanks to bloggers amazing skills at losing posts... Annoying.com Anyway. I also purchased this beautiful lippie on Friday for work. I wanted a nice nude shade that wasn't too OTT and I could wear all year around. I think I found it. I purchased without trying it on my actual lips, but did swatch it in store. I was happy because it was pink rather than nude nude so felt it wouldn't wash...

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Hi Ladies, Ooo I love a new purchase don't you? So Friday went a little bit like this.  "Hi MAC MUA, I want to buy a lipstick." "Ok, what exactly are you looking for?" She repliedMe "Anything, I just have the urge.  Something bright.  In fact, what are you wearing - that's nice." She was wearing the Viva Glam Cyndi Lipglass which I purchased because it's such a pretty colour and I guessed it would look nice on most skin tones (mine...

Friday, 22 July 2011

So I never really got around to getting into the whole leg waxing routine whilst growing up and as a result I still reach for the razors to this day.Let's face it, they're quick, easy and (usually) pain free. Hair removal cream is messy and often without great results and waxing is painful. Plus there's the pain of having to wait for the regrowth before going back.Errrr no thanks. That said, I never really was overly fond of a particular razor, until...
So I'm sleepy and it's late - the perfect time to share my night time beauty regime with you yes? Well not really no, so I think this will be a scheduled post for tomorrow!! Anyway, you may recall me mentioning my love of the lancome eye makeup remover in the past. My love extends to these products also which, through the help of my parents and boyf I manage to keep topped up through gift receiving at xmas and birthdays! My routine goes a little...

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Hey lovelies!! As a preliminary to a weight loss post I will be posting very shortly here is what I am currently drinking to satisfy my sweet tooth come 10.30-11.00am... Yes, it's weight watchers time!!! I am currently sipping on their 1 pro point a cup hot choc and let me tell you it's delish! The process? Add water to 3 tea spoons of the chocolately powder and stir and voila! Hot chocolate in an instant without annoying bumpy, impossible to...

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

I've just had an exciting email that I had to share with you!! Feel Unique are offering a beauty box service in which IOU receive 5 deluxe beauty products and one sample size product!! They will look a little something like this... Eeeeek!! I want one NOW!! All for just under a tenner a month!! SIGN ME UP!! Any of you ladies received this email and going to be trying this like me?? Seems like a perfect way to try things new! More information...
I soooo hate the rain! It's making me sad :(Why oh why has summer not arrived yet?? All the clothes in the shops and online are already making the transition to 'Autumn/Winter' and I'm pining after BBQs and suncream and pretty summer clothes and flip flops!!!What's going on!! I think I need to move somewhere with a better climate...

Monday, 18 July 2011

Hi all! Hope you had a fab weekend! Mine was great - started with champagne and a meal out with the boyf which was perfect!! Anyway, it's late, it's Sunday night and this is often the only time I get to write up a post for your reading pleasure. This time I am reviewing the MUFE Mist and Fix. Which was purchased at IMATs, London in January. So why am I only reviewing it now you ask... Well because it has taken me this long to find a regular...

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

It's sooooo pretty!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Bought on ebay for £1.53!!!! As you can see, the case is hard and looks basically like your iPhone is Pink!!! Eeeeeeeeek! There is also a bright blue version too that I may have to purchase next. I love that this looks like it's part of my phone rather than a case. Very happy. The front is clear so you don't really see that, and it just clips over the sides (not the top or bottom like...

Monday, 11 July 2011

Click on image to enlarge I would imagine that many of you are like me - you struggle from time to time with falsies. Yes, they can be an abolute 'mare! My favourite are boots, ardell and revlon. The reason? They are soft and mouldable - meaning that I can make them fit my eyes and bend them into place. Click on image to enlarge Other brands result in serious stress with me flinging them across the room with a couple of mintes to spare before...
Hello lovelies!! How are we all?? I wanted to do a couple of posts detailing my beauty regime - whilst it changes from time to time (tends to be seasonal) but I am pretty happy with things at present. A couple of weeks ago - just before my birthday at end of June, I was suffering from what can only be described as minging skin haha!! Basically dry, patchy, blotchy, large pores etc. Anyway, I nipped to Tesco to pick up some PJs(I love their...