About Me

I'm Dani. Foodie. Lover of Beauty and Fashion. Gym and Green Tea Addict. Instagram Obsessed. Legal Eagle. (Sometimes I blog)

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Ok, so it's that time of year again when I feel it is necessary to reduce my makeup application. Well, not so much application, but level of thickness or consistency of the makeup I am applying. In short - I don't want to cake on makeup in the summer/warmer months. It just feels horrible. Some of you may remember last spring/summer when my blog was in it's infancy and I first started using mineral makeup. I began with BareMinerals and naturally,...

Monday, 30 May 2011

So back in July last year I advised that I had purchased these and would let you know how I got on... Yes long time coming this post I know. The results/update was that basically these didn't work. I was GUTTED! I'd researched and checked out other blogs and seen a lot of positive reviews on these so I was very hopeful. Basically the strips come with a gel attached to them which is what should so the whitening. I applies the strips directly yo...
Ok so I know this is a pretty random post but I can't stop thinking about beach holidays... I mean seriously - does anyone else experience this!??The worse thing is I really want to go somewhere this summer, in August (I have to because of work) and on a budget - not too much to ask eh!! Not! Oh and did I mention I want all inclusive!! It's just so expensive!!I've been looking at Europe but seriously it seems just as expensive as long haul but long...

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

So I was extremely excited when I picked this beauty up for £20 at Principles the other day. What was even better was that a) it fit and b) it was actually £16!!Such a bargain it's not even funny!And timeless dress!! I'll still be wearing it in 10 years!I'm planning on wearing it to L's wedding of beautifullyaddictedto in less than two weeks!! I'm super excited!! Now just need to find a purple bag...

Monday, 23 May 2011

I can't believe after waiting all this time I forgot to download this tonight from iTunes!! Tomorrow eve DE...

Sunday, 22 May 2011

So to get back into the swing of posting I thought I would start with my favourite subject - fake tan! (FAVOURITE TAN IS AT NUMBER 6 IN CASE YOU WANT TO JUMP TO IT) Over the years I have used many a fake tan some of which have been good and others which have been not so good. 1. St TropezThis tan is a lotion that provides a nice olive tones natural tan. It applies with a dark colour guide so you can see where you are applying it but be warned -...

Sunday, 8 May 2011

OK so I know I have been pretty much M.I.A of late. There's been pretty much nothing by way of reviews, hauls, FOTDs, current loves etc etc for quite some time.I'll be honest, I've not been inspired. When I first started this blog it seemed that in every direction I turned I found inspiration for a post, and then slowly but surely life just seemed to get in the way. Well what I mean to say is work life. Not that I am complaining. I feel fortunate...