About Me

I'm Dani. Foodie. Lover of Beauty and Fashion. Gym and Green Tea Addict. Instagram Obsessed. Legal Eagle. (Sometimes I blog)

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

…Then look no further than mosaic-creativity. I happily stumbled across this brand at the Clothes Show in December and picked up the above pretty bundle of items. I absolutely love the leaf earrings as it's been ages since I've had a dangly earring that doesn't look a bit ott!  These are perfect and I have always had a tendency to love a feather earring so I was super chuffed! Having had a nosey on their website I saw they do some...

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Maybelline Baby Lips Pink Punch and Hydrate Let me talk to you about my best beauty find in a while.  I am sure that quite a few of you have tried these by now.  I've been meaning to since a colleague mentioned how good they are, but just have not got around to it.  Until now! I was going on (again) about my lips at work and the same colleague asked if I had tried these yet.  I made it my mission to try them as she was...

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Hello lovelies. Hope your week is going well so far! At the moment I'm in that transitional stage between eating whatever whenever during the party season to being super strict and health conscious. I blame the week and a half cold I managed to start the new year with and struggle to shift. So annoying. My aim this week is to get back to the gym (done so far) and to eat breakfast every day (done so far). I've also got many more goals but I...

Monday, 6 January 2014

Absolutely loving looking at wedding dresses! There are soooooo many stunning ones! I'm presently working on getting the xmas lbs off before trying any on... Plus, the wedding isn't until 2015 so I don't want to fall in love with a dress too early because I know I'd be bored of it before the wedding! So for now I'm creating a wedding dress wish list of the possibles! This is number 1!! ...

Sunday, 5 January 2014

I love the idea of cupcakes, but I find that normal sized ones, with all the frosting can be a bit too much.  So I've been wanting to try baking some minis for a while.  I finally gave it a go an the results were yummy!!    I slightly adapted a Hummingbird Cupcake Recipe I had to make these - I warn you - it was also slightly messy with all the flour and electric whisking.  However, they are delish and a lot less guilt...

Friday, 3 January 2014

Ok, so I am not lying when I say I am obsessed with this place.  It is amazing. So it's actually a running joke with some of my friends and family that whenever we go for a pub lunch or dinner I choose whatever Pie dish is on the menu.  Since moving to Manchester City Centre I've not been able to do the pub lunch thing as much - more dinner and drinks. So imagine my delight when I realised there is a place dedicated to pies!  And...