About Me

I'm Dani. Foodie. Lover of Beauty and Fashion. Gym and Green Tea Addict. Instagram Obsessed. Legal Eagle. (Sometimes I blog)

Monday, 19 May 2014

Purchase here Hey lovelies!  It's that time of year when it becomes necessary to start buying a load of summer/holiday clothes because, well if you are anything like me, you have nothing to wear.  Literally had to empty out all my drawers this weekend for inspiration when the sun came out!  What on earth to wear in the heat that a. is nice and cool and b. doesn't show too much leg.  (I hate my legs).  So...

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Purchase at Boots here£11.69 So disaster struck when I went to purchase my favourite fake tan last week.  They had sold out in Boots, I knew of no where else that stocks it and I had pretty much already over-run on my lunch break.  Oh and I needed to fake tan that night before Southport Weekender (which was amazing by the way.  Link to website here for those of you that like soul, RnB, or house music). For the most part, none...

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

No Flash - indoors Sorry for the super long heading - I couldn't think of anything imaginative.  My brain is fried from all the nail art I have been pinning on Pinterest! Decided to put some of it into practice - very basic I know, but I found some nail art tools I purchased from ebay around 5 years ago and finally opened the package!  I used the dotting tool only and found there was even a knack to that! Looking forward to perfecting...

Monday, 5 May 2014

I love looking at nail colours/art/styles and always mean to share whatever gel polish I am wearing, but somehow always forget to picture my nails other than on my phone.  Therefore the quality is usually a bit poor and unblog-worthy. I will make more of an effort I promise. However, here is one that I did manage to photograph, although it must have been a while ago!  I always go back to this shade though - it's so pretty and I love...
Yankee Candle - Large Jar £19.99link here Ahhh Yankee Candle.  I do not know of anyone who does not appreciate this brand of candle.  That likes candles that is. My obsession with this brand started not long after we had moved into our city centre flat and wanted to relax in our home and get rid of any open plan cooking smells. Luckily for us also, we live relatively close to the Lowry Outlet Mall which means they can be purchased...