About Me

I'm Dani. Foodie. Lover of Beauty and Fashion. Gym and Green Tea Addict. Instagram Obsessed. Legal Eagle. (Sometimes I blog)

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Barbara Daly Summer Nail Varnish - £5.00 (L-R shades - Fondant Fancy, Cola Cube, Butterscotch and Marshmallow) These pretty colours are perfect for summer and a total bargain at £5.00.  Too tempting to leave when shopping for groceries at Tesco eh! I absolutely love these colours and think they are perfect for my toe nails to wear with flip flops now that the weather looks to be picking up.  Nothing will replace my gel polishes for...

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Click on Photo to see closer up version! So I recently purchased this BB Cream.  I've got to be honest, I'm more of a heavy coverage kind of girl but from time to time I do like to lighten my foundation (usually when the weather picks up).  Therefore when I was shopping in Boots the other day I picked up a tube of Revlon's Photoready BB Cream to see whether it was any good.  It retails at £9.99 from Boots. Now Revlon...

Monday, 15 April 2013

Bobbi Brown Hydrating Eye Cream and Face Cream I literally cannot seem to live without these two beauties.  And I have tried.  It just doesn't work though, nothing works for my skin as well. I don't know about you, but I am finding that more and more things are irritating my skin, especially with the horrendous British weather at the moment.  It is so depressing living in England!  (well, when you consider the weather anyway...

Sunday, 14 April 2013

If you follow me on Instagram (@giddyprincessbeauty) you will probably have realised that I am on a fitness journey.  I have lost 9 lbs so far.  It's involved a lot of exercise and clean eating and I've enjoyed it for the most part. This is one of my favourite weekend breakfasts - gives me the feeling of having a sweet treat without being too naughty or getting me too off plan.  It also looks yummy I think! So here it is... Ingredients For...
Gelish Shade Plum and Done Not so long ago I took the plunge and bought some Gelish Nail Polishes.  I was using a couple of the at home brands, but finding it didn't last as long as my beloved Shellac. I assumed that this was unfortunately just because you do get what you pay for. I was right.  My polishes by Red Carpet Manicure, Sensationail and Mint Shellac were becoming more and more unreliable and I was getting a lot of chipping...