About Me

I'm Dani. Foodie. Lover of Beauty and Fashion. Gym and Green Tea Addict. Instagram Obsessed. Legal Eagle. (Sometimes I blog)

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Ah Sephora.  You offer so much promise with your beautifully lined stores full of my favourite things.  I am soooo glad these are not in the UK.  I'd never be able to save any money! Needless to say I spent ages in there (I meant 2 hours at least) and I also spent a small fortune!  Loved it though.  And the boyf dutifully stayed with me the entire time.  Well, no, actually he stayed in the mens fragrance section and...

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Ok, so it's been a while to say the least. I've been wondering whether or not to carry on with this blog - mainly because I feel that I don't want to just blog about beauty any more.  In fact, I would rather blog about anything and everything and therefore it felt like my blog was slightly restrictive given it was titled a beauty blog. Also, I don't quite feel like the name of my url really works for me anymore.  I mean, everyone grows...