About Me

I'm Dani. Foodie. Lover of Beauty and Fashion. Gym and Green Tea Addict. Instagram Obsessed. Legal Eagle. (Sometimes I blog)

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Oh, and did I mention freckly!!  Had such an amazing holiday lovelies!  Was just perfect.  Sensatori in Sharm El Sheikh is well worth a visit and you must get a swim up sea view room - instant paradise! Anyway, on zeee face I kept it very natural and used bare minerals medium beige, mineral veil and warmth, on the eyelids I used an estee lauder shadow in spiced peach and benefit bad lash mascara.  On my lips is MAC costa...

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Hey lovelies!!! Hope your week is going well! I'm on the countdown to my holiday now - tres excited! 4 days until I'm in Egypt! Woo! Anyway, you obviously now know that I'm obsessed with Gel Nail polish. It started with Shellac. Ahhhh 2 weeks of beautifully polished nails. That are now long for the first time in my life, all because the polish acts like a protective layer on my nails stopping them from breaking. Result. However, I'm moving...