Well it's that time of year when all of the excitement of the christmas and new years eve celebrations have passed (and you've already broken some of your new year resolutions) that it's time to take stock of what changes you really want to make that are both practical and realistic.
Here are my beauty new years resolutions:-
Firstly, one compromise is to wipe your beauty tools with anti bacterial wipes after use. This will work for in-between washes if you do this after each use from clean. The brushes will of course be a bit damp as a result, but should then have all day to dry - ready for next time.
This is an obvious one , but so easy to avoid. Personally, this is something I forget when I have had a little too much to drink (and I am not talking water). Otherwise I pretty good at this. The problem with living in the city is that there are far too many opportunities to drink too much!! I woke up with my false eye lashes on one morning between christmas and new years eve!!
Yes. This means a lot less processed food, sweet treats, caffeine and alcohol. Boooo - how boring. However, my skin (and weight) will thank me for it and that's worth it!
Here are my beauty new years resolutions:-
1. Clean Beauty Tools More Regularly
Germs, germs, germs..!
Ok, so I don't know about you but this is something that I really need to get into a routine with. Technically, this is something that should be done after every use, however that is just not practical is the busy world we live in so I plan to make some small changes.

Secondly, once a week ensure that the tools you have used for the week are washed thoroughly. Apparently, you should actually let them soak in soapy water and then wash them. Pretty painful, although if I do this weekly rather than when I remember at least I won't be doing so many in one go!
This should result in them being much much cleaner, performing better and not putting minging germs on the face. Result!
2. Always Remove Makeup At Night

The result is obviously clogged pores, dull skin, spots and itchy irritated eyes.
It has to and will stop.
3. Give Myself A Bi-Weekly At Home Facial
Now I would love to actually have the full experience and pay for this at a salon, but it's not going to happen. Once, twice maybe three times a year I will pay if it is something I learn I am into, but given there are other things I would prefer to spend my money on I am sticking with the DIY facials on a regular basis for now.
Fortunately, I rarely get spots and my skin is pretty smooth (with some wrinkles starting *sob* - wrong side of 25 now). That said, I feel like my skin is quite dull and only really lights up when I am in a sunny climate. Which being british means never, unless I am on a one or two week holiday.
So in order to increase circulation in my face and muscle tone (that's what it does right?), I am going to source an at home facial kit and start going for it. Hopefully the result will be brighter and fresher looking skin.
4. Use Up The Products I Have Before Investing In A MIRACLE Product
The benefit of being a beauty blogger is that you learn there are rarely any true miracle products. Yet despite that knowledge I am partial to a regular impulse buy from time to time (or quite a lot if I am honest).
Realistically, there are only a few skin care products I have used that I would repurchase if I get to the end of them and I think the results are often predetermined by your skin type from the outset. For example, I do not believe anything will truly help the dark circles under my eyes as unfortunately they are always there no matter what. And layers and layers of concealer really don't do much to help either.
As such, a lot of the items I have purchased (even since my clear out in October when I moved) simply live where skin care goes to die - storage that I don't really check up on.
This is not only silly. It's greedy and a waste of money. I am going to focus on buying products I really do want to try after a good research and not impulse purchases.
5. Look After The Outside By Taking Care Of What Is Placed Into The Inside
Yes. This means a lot less processed food, sweet treats, caffeine and alcohol. Boooo - how boring. However, my skin (and weight) will thank me for it and that's worth it!
Foods good for the skin include kiwi fruits, oranges, strawberries, almonds, avocado and muesli. Good, all yummy things then!
And one thing I really need to work on is making sure I get enough water everyday. I hate drinking water so much but I need to start as I am constantly dehydrated - which may be the cause of those dark circles and dull skin!
What are your beauty resolutions??
i have pretty much the same, I now tak off my makeup every night, I am pretty good with my foundation brush but because I don't use eyeshadow as much as before I tend to forget those brushes.... Then I also want to use up more of whats in my stash before buying.